Updating or Changing Information in D&B, SAM or GSA Elibrary

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Many people have spent many years government contracting and there has always been some sort of government tracking system for federal contractors. A long time ago it was ORCA and then CCR and finally they combined the two to form the System for Award Management. If you are interested in working any federal U.S. Government contracts then you must be registered in SAM. IN order to register in SAM you must first obtain and DUNS Number:


A DUNS registration ...

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Mass Modifications, clearing up the confusion

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Recently there have been a lot of mass modifications that have come out from the GSA and some of them can be quite confusing. Many schedules have seen the notices and warnings on the Formatted Product Tool or TAA compliant mass modifications and may have several questions regarding these mods. Here is the best way to evaluate and deal with the modifications as they come out.

Mass modifications are emails sent by the government because part of your GSA schedule has ...

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Where is the best help I can find for my GSA Schedule?

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GSA Schedule work can take a significant amount of a small businesses time in order to make the schedule as successful as it can be for your company. There are many companies out there that will offer to help you manage this work but not all of them are really worth the amount they will charge. On the other hand there are some companies out there that are worth their weight in gold and much more.

What can these companies ...

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How do I know what my competitors are charging?

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Keeping abreast of your competition and their prices is an important factor in government work. While most competitors will underbid their published GSA or Federal Prices significantly, you can still find a basis for your pricing by researching your competitor. The problem is knowing where to find this information, here are a few different places you can look:

1. GSA Advantage https://www.gsaadvantage.gov/outage.html
This site will show you if your competition has a GSA Schedule and if so what their published ...

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